Monday, October 5, 2015

Conference thoughts and a wedding to plan

Hola Mama,

I had a great week! And I'm glad to know that you guys did too! We worked really hard this week and encountered some miracles along the way! I really enjoyed conference and all of the talks, I have never been more focused on listening and taking notes than I was on Saturday and Sunday. There was an English room for listening, so all the American missionaries watched in there, and it was just a great spiritual weekend. We had a lot of investigators show up to watch conference, and I'm certain they felt the spirit! 

One of the talks that made me think of you Mom was the talk Elder Holland gave, I'm not ashamed to say I teared up during mostly the whole talk haha :) And I also enjoyed the talk by Elder Lawrence, where he challenged us to ask Heavenly Father in our prayers, "What is keeping me from progressing?" I can testify that especially as a missionary, that is a question I always need to be asking, to learn and to change, what is keeping me from progressing spiritually. I also enjoyed the talk on Sunday (I don't remember who, a member of the 70 I believe) but he challenged everyone to put a scripture up on the fridge each week to memorize and to think about, so I'll be starting that pretty soon.

One of the miracles we encountered this week was a lady who has been attending in the past and wants to be baptized, but first she has to be married with her husband and he does not want anything to do with the church. This week we were talking and he said that he would get married with her but only for her to be baptized, and that it's her promise with God, not his, so this week we will be having a wedding! We need to plan for it and everything! I will have more stories about that next Monday and how it went! Everything has been going well in the work though, we are finding a lot of cool new people and we are finding it difficult to have time to visit them all!

I'm glad you guys are reading the BoM and I hope Camille contributes a little, whether it's reading or saying the closing prayer. I'm glad you guys took notes and listened to conference too, its something I know I have needed to be better at and now I have the opportunity to do it. Make sure to keep President Monson in your prayers because like you said he was having trouble standing at the end of his talk, and thanks for all the emails and pictures! I love you Mom and hope you and the family have a great week! Thanks for your awesome example as a patient and loving mom, because patience is something I have been learning a lot about here, and I always think of examples you have shown of patience to me. Can't wait to hear from you next week and see how you're doing!

Love You!
Elder Spiro

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